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The one thing that sets some people apart from the rest is their online following. Some Instagram models have millions of followers, and an appearance on a red carpet can mean more followers and likes overnight.
And not all models have a career path of being a model, there is a huge amount of options you can have as an Instagram model. There are people who have been able to achieve their dreams using Instagram as a platform. It is the easiest way to reach the masses, and the easiest way to get noticed.
In this post I will be talking about how it can help you become an Instagram model and why it is one of the most sought after platforms out there. There are thousands of different ways you can use it once you start working from your IG account! It's a great way for many people to make money if they know how to use it correctly, and how to market themselves on Instagram.
We will be going over how to build a following on Instagram, and how to grow your social media presence.
First off, let's get the most important part out of the way. Why would you want to use Instagram as a model? Well, it's rather simple if you ask me. The only thing you need is a smartphone or a tablet with internet access. You can take pictures both inside and outside too! It is very easy to use because it is just like using Facebook or any other social media platform. Also, I'm sure that many of you have seen tons of people with tons of followers on their pages up for sale for between $100-1000. This is a great way to start with an account and build it up.
If you want to make money with your Instagram , I recommend the following:
Post once a day or at least once per week. If you don't, you will become irrelevant and many people will ignore your photos. Make sure that most of your photos are featuring yourself and the things that happen in your everyday life. Do not post anything that shows off ugly makeup or outfits that you would never wear in real life. Remember, we want real people who we can relate too! It's great for all ages and genders because there is no such thing as eliminating someone from the public eye. Lastly, post many photos using hashtags. These give you a chance to be discovered, and there are so many different hashtags that you can use to find your perfect niche.
This is the best way to start building up a following on Instagram, but I want to elaborate more on each one of the points above.
Remember, you need followers to get noticed! It's called social proof, and it will help you gain more confidence in what you are doing. It's a great way to start a new account or boost your following on Instagram.
It's important that you don't post too much because people will become annoyed with you and not want to hear what you have to say. It is good to post at least once per week so it will seem like you have a life outside of IG, but if your followers know that your always on social media they will lose respect for you, and so will the people who come across them on their newsfeeds.
Make sure that all of your photos are real, and not edited photos! If you do this, then the people who follow you will see that it is more real that they thought before following you. Also, you'll be showing them the real you, and they will feel like you are more real than before.

Remember these 3 things when starting to build your IG presence:

  1. Have pictures that are relatable to everyone. Try not to use things that are age-specific or gender-specific because this will limit your audience too much. Use things that will appeal to all ages and genders, but still show off yourself at the same time!
  2. Post Everyday or at least once per week! Your following will start to turn away if they don't see new content every day!
  3. Use hashtags! Use hashtags that have popular terms, but also unique terms. Try to find hashtags that are popular for your niche, but are still special to you. This will help you stand out from the crowd, and help improve search engine optimization since there will be less competition.
The last thing I want to say is the best way to get followers is by being yourself! It's not hard to do if you are yourself, and not acting like a normal person would. This will allow people to see that they can relate more strongly with you than they would with someone who is pretending. So just be yourself and show them the real you! If it makes sense, then do not try to pretend being someone else. This is one of the best things you can do to have a good following on Instagram.
Best of luck! And remember to always follow back your followers, and give them a reason to follow you other than just to see your picture. It's always good if they're interested in what you're talking about, and it will help promote other people too! Stay tuned for more info as I will be posting more information online as soon as I get it. Please follow this blog if you enjoyed it! I love to post interesting, useful, and relevant information for social media users. Please share this with your friends so they know what it takes to be an Instagram model! Thanks for reading, enjoy!