
how much to fix a transmission

This toolkit is designed to provide practical information and tools to assist HIV Planning Groups and Health Departments in implementing the Community Engagement process described in CDC's 2012 HIV Planning Guidance.

This plan is meant as a guide for assist HIV planning groups (HPGs) and health departments CDC grantees as they create the Jurisdictional Plan that describes their collaboration.

This guide is to train AIDS service providers, case managers, and peer educators on evidence-based information about Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as part of comprehensive HIV prevention in order to support their efforts to educate young men that have sex with men (MSM), in particular, young Black and Latino MSM on the new prevention strategy.

This issue brief synthesizes existing research findings on housing status, incarceration and HIV health; examines the available evidence from housing-based HIV interventions; and offers evidence-based recommendations for action to increase housing stability and improve post-release outcomes for persons living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S. and for their communities.

This pamphlet discusses the importance of being tested for HIV. It states a few FAQs about HIV and how often someone should get tested.

This poster states five ways people can advocate and prevent HIV: Know, Talk, Protect, Test & Treat, and Take Action. Each section of the poster gives specific examples for each topic.

This pamphlet provides information about how to talk to a partner after an STD diagnosis. It discusses the need to communicate to partners; how to tell them; how to answer partners' questions; and how to provide further protection to themselves and their partners.

This pamphlet provides information about how to talk to a partner after an STD diagnosis. It discusses the need to communicate to partners; how to tell them; how to answer partners' questions; and how to provide further protection to themselves and their partners.

This pamphlet provides information to people who have been notified they have been exposed to an STD. It discusses the difference between being exposed and being infected; what to do if infected; what kinds of tests should be taken; and how to protect themselves and their partners.

This social media toolkit was created to address the way people get their information today, specifically using online communications. The toolkit states that media is reshaping the way health information is delivered and aims to introduce concepts that underlie social media as well as discuss a strategic approach to integrate social media into existing efforts.


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